Week 10

 This week my reading was about following your dreams. It especially talked about BIG dreams. I feel like there are two groups of people. People that believe you should dream big, and others who believe you squash anything that is not realistic. 

President Oaks talks about how God requires us to act and think and do in order to return to the Celestial Kingdom.1 He also talked about how it must be a family experience and not just based on our church attendance. We have to focus more on what we are striving to become rather than stats and numbers. 

I also loved in my reading about how being okay with the plan changing and the dreams changing is a huge part of life. It's okay to dream big in multiple areas and realize that God has a different plan for you. Dreaming big doesn't need to change even if the specific dream does. I also loved that it was mentioned how you can't control everything and so it's more about how you balance your time, and that you can set time aside for dreaming and for thinking and observing what you can do with your life.

I think that perhaps there should be a middle group. People that believe that we should dream big and then find ways to make it realistic and allow God to mold that dream into something that fits His plan for us. 

Dallin H. Oaks "The challenge to become," October 2000, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (www.churchofjesuschrist.org : accessed 26 June 2024).  


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