Week 14

     This week's reading was about celebrating your life. I think sometimes I'm like a lot of people and I don't take a step back to look at my whole life. I get focused on what I want to achieve now or in the future but I don't realize all of the good that is going on around me or the opportunities I have to make a difference in my community. I believe that is mostly because again, like most people, I am too hard on myself. I don't celebrate the wins. I don't give myself enough credit and sometimes, I am prideful. I don't always give credit to others or to God. 

    If I had to give a lecture to a group of students or to my peers, I think I would speak about how I realized that no one's intrinsic value will ever be reflected or calculated off of a revenue stream, or a social media following, or any success within a business. So many feel called to do something great and to make a difference in the world or to make your own way financially but you also matter in so many other ways regardless of the outcome for those goals. Those things are not who you are, they should be a part of how you find joy and how you serve others and how you grow a talent and strength but the pursuit for entrepreneurial success must be accompanied with a pursuit for a balance, and a pursuit for gratitude, and a pursuit for peace. There has to be time for relationships, and to say I love you. There has to be time for spiritual reverence. And I think that balance, while very difficult to maintain is what will make you compelling for others in both a professional, and personal way. There is an interesting paradox that becoming a better person overall can make you a better business person but being a better business person does not always make you a better person in the other areas of their life. There is clearly an order to things. That would be my last lecture, and my best advice to anyone who wants to start their own business or be an entrepreneur. Focus on being a staying a good person first.




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