Week 1
This week I was introduced to the purpose of my Intro to Entrepreneurship course. Many of the videos and the articles that I was assigned to read were talking about believing in oneself and being empowered to make a difference while still being balanced in the things that matter most. Loving others and prioritizing the people that lift us is an important component to being a good entrepreneur and being consistent in business. It made me realize that you need to know who you are. You need to innately feel confident in your abilities and in your sense of adventure and seeking out happiness. I really loved the video titled, "Do What you Love". It was a talk given by Guy Kawasaki. He talked about his high-end ventures and how we should seek things that make us happy because the money won't matter as much if we are doing something that excites us.1 He named off some brand-named companies and said, “Those companies do help the world”. He was pointing out that if we only seek money, we will much more likely be miserable and while some ventures don't pan out or make the money we were hoping for, they can create passion and happiness and that is a better measure for success than anything else. While it was an idealistic point of view, it did inspire me to seek after the things that bring me fulfillment. I don’t think any job is perfect or any venture too, but I think that ideas that joy can come from trying to better the world, even if it’s in a small way. It may be easier to see the world as possible and to see even big named companies as making others who are fulfilled by that work, better. Giving what we have can be a wonderful adventure to continue doing and seeking and inspiring others as we see our own potential within an opportunity ,
1. Guy Kawasaki, "Do What You Love", W01 : BUS 110 BYUIdaho, (https://byui.instructure.com/courses/290570/pages/w01-study-what-is-the-purpose-of-this-course?module_item_id=34788030 : accessed 23 April 2023).
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