Week 3

    This week, I learned a lot from the case study involving Magdelena Yesil.1 I was inspired by her drive and self-determination. She was not intimidated about learning something on her own and she capitalized really off of her ability to work with people. That is a unique skill in today's day. I think so many are solitary and only focus on one skill set. I recognized the importance of having multiple talents and especially knowing how to collaborate, and work with people on your ideas is key if you are going to be an entrepreneur. I also really enjoyed the videos about honesty and ethics. I think the theme in all of the videos focused on being someone of integrity. They talked a lot about how no gain is worth it if you are doing it dishonestly or in a way that takes advantage of others. I think it is really easy to get stuck in the whirlwind of winning and financial success. There are a lot of risks in entrepreneurship and they can directly affect your family and other relationships too. When things aren't going well, I can see the temptation to cut corners and maybe do things to make the problem go away. In several of the videos of the however it clearly said, "Don't do it. It is never worth it. You will likely answer for it." They also talked about spiritual consequences and that it will affect your ability to be respected and think clearly if you are making unethical choices. Owning your mistakes is part of entrepreneurship. I think that stuck with me a lot. You have to hold yourelf to a high standard and not back down on that. 

1. "Magdelena Yesil", Harvard Business Publishing Education (file:///Users/kathrynjenkins/Downloads/800350-PDF-ENG%20(1).pdf : accessed 7 May 2024), BUS110, W03 BYUI. 


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