Week 9

     In my reading this week, we learned about leadership. I was thinking about leadership qualities as I listened to the many articles. It seems there is an important balance between knowing how to delegate to the right people and not do it all yourself but also having a clear plan and enough courage and integrity to see that plan through. It also requires being able to communicate well with others and take responsibility for your own shortcomings or the results that didn't go as planned. 

    Being able to point out setbacks and move through them will require a lot of pivoting. To be a leader, I think you have to be good at thinking quickly and moving to a better solution rather than sitting in pity or frustration over something that failed. There will be failure and you have to be willing to see it as it comes. 

    I loved in the article, "" how everyone has special gifts that were given to us by God. Not every leader needs to be the same. Surrounding yourself with good people to guide your journey will help and as you learn to love yourself the way God does, you will be able to use the gifts in a way that will benefit leadership.  I also learned in that article that gaining the right people that align with your mission will be key and that's focused a lot on who you draw to you. 

"A Message to Garcia, Will you deliver it?", BYU-Idaho, (www.byui.edu : accessed 18 June 2024), Acton MBA (www.actonmba.org). 


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