
Showing posts from June, 2024

Week 10

 This week my reading was about following your dreams. It especially talked about BIG dreams. I feel like there are two groups of people. People that believe you should dream big, and others who believe you squash anything that is not realistic.  President Oaks talks about how God requires us to act and think and do in order to return to the Celestial Kingdom. 1 He also talked about how it must be a family experience and not just based on our church attendance. We have to focus more on what we are striving to become rather than stats and numbers.  I also loved in my reading about how being okay with the plan changing and the dreams changing is a huge part of life. It's okay to dream big in multiple areas and realize that God has a different plan for you. Dreaming big doesn't need to change even if the specific dream does. I also loved that it was mentioned how you can't control everything and so it's more about how you balance your time, and that you can set time aside

Week 9

       In my reading this week, we learned about leadership. I was thinking about leadership qualities as I listened to the many articles. It seems there is an important balance between knowing how to delegate to the right people and not do it all yourself but also having a clear plan and enough courage and integrity to see that plan through. It also requires being able to communicate well with others and take responsibility for your own shortcomings or the results that didn't go as planned.      Being able to point out setbacks and move through them will require a lot of pivoting. To be a leader, I think you have to be good at thinking quickly and moving to a better solution rather than sitting in pity or frustration over something that failed. There will be failure and you have to be willing to see it as it comes.      I loved in the article, "" how everyone has special gifts that were given to us by God. Not every leader needs to be the same. Surrounding yourself with

Week 8

       This week I read about overcoming things. Since reading the book, "Mastery" I have realized that I am an obsessor. I don't think I'm quite as self-destructive yet but I do tend to be very afraid of failure and seek after the perfect idea, the perfect business plan, etc. I'm not often willing to settle for less but I also don't like to take risks. In my family life, I have been feeling like bad things just keep happening but I loved the video by Jeffrey R. Holland about the family and the car. The car breaks down many times as they try to reach their destination. It reminded me that I'm just on a journey and that it won't always be this bumpy but when it is, I need to surround myself with people that will cheer me on and offer help. I need some motivation to not be so angry about it all the time. I need to let it go and enjoy the moments I have, even if they aren't perfect or what I expected.      Perfectionism is such an  interesting struggl

Week 7

Passion vs. Money This week I studied about having a passion for something regardless of money. I think this is an interesting topic because it's easy to say, and hard to accept. The world is all about money and perception and what people are seeing and that's not what life is about but it is a part of our existence. It is hard to not compare to others success or to constantly feel that your worth is not determined by what you can provide to yourself or your family. It is a chronic problem for so many in this world, including me and you can't just ignore money. It's how you survive so I do think that in order to be happy, you have to really accept with both eyes open before making the decision to start a business or follow that passion, that things might not financially go how you want and that you may need to work a job in order to live your passion and thats okay.  Guy Kawasaki talked about Passions vs. Money in his Youtube video. 1 He talked about that you will chan